Buckeye Soccer Association

"You can't score a goal if you don't take the shot."

-Alex Morgan

The Buckeye Travel program is a member of Ohio Travel Soccer League (OHTSL).
OHTSL is a competitive travel soccer league designed to prepare athletes for high school soccer in a fun but competitive manner.
2024-2025 Travel Soccer Tryout Flyer

Interested in volunteering?

The BSA will hold eleven (11) general meetings between January and November.


Interested in coaching?

BSA has a team of dedicated, educated and experienced coaches who are led by our High School coaching staff.

Interested in becoming a ref?

Click the botton to the right to learn more about certifications.

Already certified? Email Jonathan Handwerk at [email protected] for game assignments.

Dear Buckeye Community,

I am a US soccer referee assignor for youth soccer games within your community.

I am reaching out to all of you in an effort to help generate a new group of referees to help us curb the declining referee numbers we have seen in our referee pools over the past few years.

In addition to getting paid to help the game they love other benefits to becoming a referee include
1) gaining a better understanding of the game.
2) providing an opportunity to give back to the game
3) setting your own schedule
4) opportunity to watch/participate in many more games than would be possible as a player
5) opportunity to continue your drive to improve.

All training can be completed online. So new referees will be ready to go when the season starts.

Registration for New Grassroots clinics can be completed at https://learning.ussoccer.com

For more information on clinics and how to get games you can reach out to me via email [email protected]

Thank you very much,
Jonathan Handwerk

Buckeye Soccer Association is a proud partner of Puma
